Hair Stylistics / Yoshio Kuge / Atsuhiro Ito / ??? - Live:Album

Another three cdr set from 2010 this time. Again three hours plus of mayhem!

Yoshio Kuge is the punk/underground drummer who has played with many Japanese underground groups including Maher Shalal Hash Baz, Masami Shinoda Unit and Les Rallizes Denudes amongst many others.

Atsuhiro Ito makes use of fluorescent lighting (which is also an element of his art installations) in the creation of an original musical device called the optron. He is also active in a number of musical outfits, one being Optrum, the explosively loud "extreme optical noise core band" consisting of Ito and drummer Yoichiro Shin.

Disc 1
Disc 2
Disc 3

And here is a short(ish) bit of live video which is a lot of fun:

Hijokaidan feat. Hair Stylistics - Live in Tokyo 2010

...and some audio...

Hijokaidan with Hair Stylistics - Live at Earthdom, Tokyo 2010.12.30


  1. Caligari:
    i canìt stand abstract noise.
    i only appreciate the hijokaidan release

  2. Are you planning to whine about every single Hair Stylistics release he uploads?
