Thurston Moore - Starfield Wild / Earth/Amp

Table Of The Elements is one of those labels whose product is both aesthetically astonishing and drop dead gorgeous! It was founded by American music producer and graphic designer Jeff Hunt in 1993. In a beautiful touch, the catalogue number of each release is composed of, in sequence, the atomic number of an element from the periodic table alongside its attendant symbol.

Here and below are 12 of the 7" vinyls released between 1993 and 1994. The cast list will give you all you need to know regarding the quality and aspiration of this unique label!



  1. Thank you for posting these. I was able to get some back when they were released, but most disappeared before I had a chance to purchase them.

  2. Fantastic Post !
    Thank You Very Much.

  3. Bless you Badgerstump! May your every day be filled with good health, prosperity, happiness and bliss.


  4. Caligari:
    thurston release is
    prtty good!
    usually i'm not a big "avan-guitar"
    fan but i liked almost every post of the table of elements series
