Owl Xounds - Stoned & Zoned

2 x 3" cdrs released on Thor's Rubber Hammer Productions in 2007.

"As one of NYC’s most aggressive fire-jazz units, Owl Xounds continues to link ESP’Disk and the Misfits, but here also approaches beautiful noise on two 20+ minute pieces. Mainstays Adam Kriney (drums) and Gene Janas (upright bass) are augmented by Bonnie Kane on amplified flute and sax with electronics. Kane’s contributions bring the unit to its most psychedelic paramount, her feedback-sax worshipping at the gates of guitar gods like Les Rallizes Denudes and Blue Cheer, yet affectionately rooted in Albert Ayler. Kriney (La Otracina) moves the action forward, ravaging without destroying, and Janas (Screamin’ Jay Hawkins, Bern Nix’s Sedition Ensemble) practically rips the strings off his bass, yet both know when to let textures form on their own."

Stoned & Zoned

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