No-Neck Blues Band - A Tabu Two

In 1998 NNCK rather perversely released (what is in effect) a double LP as two single LPs.

I've "borrowed" this explanation of the band from the marvellously detailed My Record Collection site as he has done my work for me:

"The No Neck Blues Band, or NNCK, are, according to me, the most representative band of what Wire Magazine has dubbed "New Weird America" (I really hate that term, it's become so all-encompassing that almost anything with a weird vibe has been engulfed in this "category"). This "new weird" sound has it's roots in free jazz and experimental music, nothing was impossible and all was permitted. From one album to the other, you could never be quite sure what you would get except you know it's going to sound quite primitive/tribal; with or without electronics.

The group started out in the mid-nineties and was a part of the whole loft scene, performing often on city rooftops or in lofts or their own "Hint House" These shows were apparently quite wild (even if the members would just stand, unmoving on stage, the music in itself would be sufficient to make for a crazy show) and little by little, cryptic releases made their way on the market, all of them often in very limited quantities. The earlier releases were quite loud group improvisations bordering on noise (no "blues band" were they!), the sound slowly matured into out-there territory, opting for primitive psychedelic soundscapes and/or drone music including often unidentifiable sounds; some of these releases sound a lot like the more fucked up albums by Sun Ra.

Their creative output tends to shift between their noisier side and their more psychedelic side from release to release with fluctuating quality and availability. They often disappear off the face of the Earth only to reappear a few months later with a slew of new albums and singles. Although there are a few identified members of the group (and their side-projects), the group has, since their conception, tried to keep themselves as anonymous as possible."

Well said!

A Tabu Two [1]

A Tabu Two [2]


  1. Caligari:
    mmm i like no neck
    when they lay in the vein
    of stick n stones.
    those releases are too abstract

  2. Any chance of you upping "Letters from the Serth," the single CD NNCK release? I can't find it anywhere on the net and can't seem to locate my CD copy. :( Thanks!
