NNCK - The Circle Broken

C60 released in 1996 on Sound@One.

The rarest No-Neck Blues Band release...well it is unless you know different.

Part 1
Part 2


  1. Hey thanks for all the NNCK but i'm having trouble extracting this tape. the files are named 1997 - NNCK - The Circle Broken c60 [sound@one].zip.001 and 1997 - NNCK - The Circle Broken c60 [sound@one].zip.002. I tried deleting the 001 and 002 from the end and this worked for Part 2 but not with Part 1. I get "The archive is either unknown format or damaged" message... I've tried downloading the files again but it makes no difference.

  2. I just tried using 7-zip as you suggested and it works fine so please ignore/delete my above comment, thanks again!

  3. Probably the @ sign. 7-Zip is great for extracting stuff that's been created with characters in the filename that Windows isn't happy with

  4. Where have I been all these years? I can't believe I'm just now discovering this blog. So, here's what happened: I had a relatively recently-purchased 5 Tb external drive where I had hosted my master music archive shit the bed a couple months ago. It simply won't mount. At all. The big problem for me? It housed almost 20 years' worth of accumulated mp3 archives. Sure, a lot of the stuff on there I already owned on CD, LP, or CS, but who wants to re-rip all of that? And yes, a lot of the older rips (say, pre-2011 or so) are backed up on DVD. But again...

    Anyway, I had a jones recently to hear some old Tower Recordings and NNCK, and my googling led me here. Alas, all of the old TR links are dead (along with the hosting site!), but then I clicked through and got here. While these are dead as well, I knew I had my own rip of this locally on another drive, and figured I'd do that "pay it forward" thing.

    So for however long this will last on Zippyshare, here's my own rip of this CS:


    A couple notes here: This isn't actually the rarest NNCK release. That honor would have to go to the four 8" lathe cut series s@1 did in '96.

    Secondly, my own notes on this one (as I was fortunate enough to be deeply entrenched in this scene living in NYC through most of the '90s and into the early '00s):

    Ridiculously rare (edition of 50) early NNCK document released only as a cassette. Like other mid-90s NNCK recordings, this is a noisier affair than their later work -- less strum and hum, more clang and chug, or, if you prefer, closer to free jazz than free folk.

    There's one track per side to the tape, but since the tape isn't labeled, I'll leave it to you to decide which track is titled "Obelisk" and which one is "The Golden Tower."

    My possession of this is purely a matter of being in the right place at the right time; I walked into the Adult Crash record store on Ave. A (RIP) one day in the summer of '96 and saw it in the cassette case. Turns out Keith Connelly had dropped off five of them just two days earlier, and I was looking at the last one.

    I've included a .bmp of the cassette cover so that you can "burn" this to tape for that "original format" experience.

  5. Where have you been indeed! Very remiss of you haha

    Send me a list of some of the things that might need re-upping. You never know!

    Thanks for the rip and the j-card ...
