Klangkrieg - 38 cbm

Request from the shoutbox:

"The word "Klangkrieg" defines an Utopian terminal state of urban noise. The group is interested in filtering and processing this noise in order to put it into a musical structure that is dynamic, vivid and suspenseful. Artificial and natural sounds are edited in harsh cut-ups or fine transitions, both showing violence and sensibility next to each other."

"This CD contains 6 pieces that Klangkrieg have composed in between 1993 and 1995, among them "38 cbm", an audio art piece for a freight container installation commissioned by the ZKM (centre for art and media technology Karlsruhe, Germany). Two other tracks, "Korpus 1" and "Tokkata" have been composed in a style reminding of the early tape compositions of the 50´s and 60´s: complex structures collaged with samples and sequences."

More info here.

Part 1
Part 2

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