Wereju - Who And What We Are

Wereju is the dronescapes created by Cathal Rodgers.

This is a boxset of four tapes (three C40's and a C65) that was released on idrone park on 2010.

The more that I listen to this the more I am convinced that it is a work of utter genius!

Does anyone know how to get in touch with/keep track of Cathal/Wereju? All my efforts turn out to be dead ends...occasionally, I stumble across a new release...frankly, I want more!

Sides A & B
Side C
Side D
Sides E & F
Sides G & H


  1. Cathal has a new solo release on Reverb Worship any day now....contact Roger at Reverb Worship

  2. This stuff is fantastic. It reminds me of Maeror Tri, and that is a huge compliment!

  3. Thanks for sharing.... very much appreciated

  4. Caligari:
    not my kind of music but quite fascinating
