Ensemble Economique - Standing Still, Facing Forward

This LP was released in 2010 on Amish Records. Amish were completely unknown to me until this release but are obviousy putting out some quality material.

There is a review on Discogs which sums this one up very nicely: "Standing Still, Facing Forward – the Ensemble’s second release, part of Amish Records’ Required Wreckers outsider series – fuses found sounds, field recording and studio-created music and noise in the service of an imaginary Lynchian film – half dream, half nightmare, all suspense. It recalls (in ambience more than form) a more muscular version of the mid-1990s isolationism of Techno Animal, Labradford, Thomas Köner et al." Can't argue with that at all.

This is sold out at the label but you may still be able to grab this somewhere. I recommend that you do...after alll, mp3 can't compete with vinyl.

Standing Still, Facing Forward

1 comment:

  1. Caliagri:
    hey man,
    they sound pretty strange and weird!
