Sir Richard Bishop - The Vault Recordings

"The three VAULT volumes were issued in a limited run of 50 signed and numbered copies and are now long gone. They included a number of older pieces that were just lying around, looking for somewhere to go. A few of the songs eventually ended up on later official releases in updated form. Others remain obscure and of various fidelities." SRB

Sir Richard Bishop was a founder member of Sun City Girls along with his brother Alan and the deeply missed Charles Gocher. Whilst Rick plays in The Brothers Unconnected with Alan as well as with Messenger Girls Trio, and Rangda, he is best known for his solo work.

He is, quite simply, the greatest living guitarist.

Check Rick here and pass by the mighty Sublime Frequencies label that Alan runs with Hisham Mayet.

Vault Recordings, Vol. 1

Vault Recordings, Vol. 2

Vault Recordings, Vol. 3


  1. thank you so much for this- had no idea this was out there- truly a musician that should get more recognition, but probably doesnt care either way- thnx

  2. Saw him open up for Swans in Milwaukee recently. What a nice man. I can only hope to be as worldly.

  3. I saw him open for Earth a year or two wasn't a publicised support slot, imagine how happy I was when I turned up to find out! Just sat on a chair in the middle of the stage and played the most amazing set. I kept expecting somebody to pull the curtain back in a wizard of oz style reveal to find another five guitarists helping him make these extraordinary sounds. No, it was just him. A rare and beautiful talent!!!

  4. Caligari:
    a true masterpiece!
    thanks for that post

  5. Hi, would you pleae re-up these great SRB rarities? Many thanks in advance...

  6. Oops, no need, found 'em:
