Wicked King Wicker - God Is Busy... Save Yourself

WKW is the Drone/Doom Metal/Power Electronics project of Jim Gibson who runs the Noiseville record label.

I've posted this for five main reasons: 1 - I love WKW and own everything that's been released; 2 - Noiseville is a really superb label and I have put a lot of well spent cash that way over the years and never regretted a penny; 3 - it's released on Cold Spring ("UK label specializing in all forms of extreme media, but particularly, black industrial/ambience, neo-classical and orchestral power - sampling, and hardcorepower electronics/noise from Japan."); 4 - it's candidate for one of the best album titles...period...

but more importantly...WKW released a split LP with BSBC on Gnarled Forest and Noiseville a couple of months ago...it is very very good...go and buy it...that's an order!

Noiseville website hasn't been updated for a while so ... Jim sells directly here or email him at jim@noiseville.com or hit up BSBC at gnarledforest@hotmail.com or keep track here.

God Is Busy... Save Yourself


  1. This is incredible. You mentioned that you have all of their records. Could you upload more, perchance? Thanks!

  2. Hey man, thanks for the write up. This is Logan Butler, half of Wicked King Wicker and also the Wolverine Carcass, who recorded and mixed this album.

    You'll be happy to know me and Jim recorded some new stuff a few weeks ago...we are planning on doing a 7" single and possibly another EP (not sure of the format yet) with the stuff very soon. I'm also informed that another full length on Cold Spring is in the works from a session we did from last winter. Lots of new WKW shit coming out!

    While I'm here I don't know if your readers might enjoy some of my solo stuff as Wolverine Carcass (I saw you posted the split with Fuck, The Retarded Girl a while back). Almost all of it is out of print, so blogs like this are the best way for me to get it out there. Here's a link to my personal tumblr where I dumped everything except the F,TRG split oddly enough (and a 7" and new stuff I'm working on):


    Feel free to post any or all of it; and you can use my links, I don't care. All I ask is that you shoot me an email if you post anything, wolverinecarcass@gmail.com


  3. Fantastic album - a personal fave. Have you ever checked out Philly's defunct Otesanek? Somewhat in the same vein, just ridiculous crawling drone/hate/sludge/whatever. Perfect music to mow the lawn to.
