
A few months ago, I asked James Keeler if I could post his material as Wilt. The only condition that he had was that I didn't post anything that was still available from labels or distros.

I have another thirteen release that I haven't posted:

You can find the Cemetery Road / Dead Electroniks 2cd, As Giants Watch Over Us cd, Radio 1940 2cd and the Dark Meadows cd at Ad Nauseam. The Damnation Helix: Zeitgeist Movement Vol. 2 is still around at Annihilvs. Monstrare / Wilt – Graveflowers and Prey For The Comet is stll held by .Angle.Rec.. You can find Scarecrow, the Recycled tape, Midnight Dungeon and the She Walks The Night 7" and tape at Crucial Blast. The Werewolf In The Black Space split with The Rita is still available from Cipher Productions. Finally, the new Wilt + Marax + Goose "Harshfields" tape is available from either Small Doses or Phage Tapes.

That leaves very little Wilt that I ain't got! If you are sitting on one of those few rare releases...please share!

Finally, MASSIVE thanks to James for being a very nice man! You can keep checking out Wilt's movements on The Institute for Organic Conversations

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