At the End of the Rope

Excellent double cdr on Chondritic Sound from 2005. No link for the label this time...the person that ran it has apparently fallen on difficult times. The site is still open but I would advise against buying from there. I lost a lot of money about a year ago...and although I've been told that everything will be sorted out, it isn't.

No sour grapes here! Chondritic Sound was (and hopefully will be again) one of the greatest DIY noise/experimental labels ever!

101 Gruntsplatter – The Acidic Blood
102 Steel Hook Prostheses – Violent Struggle Beneath The Pillow
103 Viodre – Feeding Breath
104 Prurient – Pacific Highway South
105 Whorebutcher – It's Your Only Choice
106 Mania – Gasper
107 Control – To Die For
108 Moribund – My Power
109 Nicole 12 – Cock And Rope
110 Deathpile – Questions For Christina
111 Cleanse – Throat
112 Immaculate:Grotesque – Attrition
113 Slogun – Maybe, Just Maybe
114 T.E.F. – Taut Ejaculatory Fibres
115 Hentai – Harvey M Glattman Suite
116 Clew Of Theseus – Gag Order
117 Lefthandeddecision – Innocence

201 Atrax Morgue – Narcosi Da Cluror Di Etile
202 Omei – Symphony For Chair And Rope
203 Concrete Violin – Ligottism
204 Eeyow Karoom – From The Sky And Radiating
205 Dødsdømd – Cuts Around My Throat
206 Redrot – Fellated By Death's Mouth
207 Propergol – SSM (Slow Sexy Motion)
208 Inhalant – Dead And Hanging
209 Priest In Shit – Lust
210 Navicon Torture Technologies – What Some Call Obsession I Call Devotion
211 Richard Ramirez – Untitled
212 Stegm – Puckering Gills
213 Sickness – Absolution

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

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