Augur / Wilt – Navigations

2xCDR release on Solipsism which used to be a sister label of Self Abuse Records. Edition of 100 from 2001.

Disc 1
Disc 2


  1. All this Wilt stuff is great. Been looking for Navigations for ages. However, cant open windows shell common files, any chance of posting them in regular format?

  2. Don't know what you mean to be honest. These are regular zip files. Not sure if you are extracting as seperate folders? The 3 parts of this need to be extracted to the same folder and it will open perfectly.

  3. Don't understand it either. Files download as "windows common shell" files rather than as the regular zip files and my Vista operating system doesn't have a program to open them. I have all 3 parts saved and I have tried everything but nothing works. They wont convert to WinRaR once saved either. I have never had this issue before. Very frustrating and VERY WEIRD!

  4. you need all 3 parts in the same folder. then unpack part one (i used 7zip) and it works. no need to convert it.

  5. There must be some difference in the operating systems we're using because there are several multi-part folders from this (otherwise glorious) site I can't open either. Nothing works. Some people report they open easily, some of us see nothing but shell files, unconvertable to zips. Oh well. Thanks anyway!!!

  6. It's odd!

    The only thing that I can think of is that it's a random problem related to winzip users ?!

    Try it with's freeware and you can get it here:

    I think that should solve the issues...

  7. OK, update on this: I tried with my neighbor's PC which has Windows 7. Worked perfectly with 7-zip. So it may be a Vista problem. ?! Either way, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS. I REALLY REALLY APPRECIATE YOUR EFFORTS.

  8. I run vista...not a vista issue!

  9. Who knows, then. Hopefully the other guy will find a way to work it out. Thanks once again!!! ~A

  10. Nope, no joy! Been trying on and off since these files were posted. I have managed to rescue the first 5 tracks by converting the shell files to WinRaR, but that's the best that i can get. The others refuse to convert and wont open. It's a pity, as the Augur tracks are great too! Used to have this, but lost it somewhere.
