Music Should Heal

This is Ontayso. This is their Project 24 Hours...erm...project. Ontayso are Mexican Esther Santoyo and Belgian Koen Lybaert. Largely, this would be called ambient but there are strands of dub, techno and IDM. This is your favourite headspace mixed with the occasional music in your favourite horror flicks.

D'ya know those times that you're ripping because some fuckwit rules your life? This is the music that creates the space where you can feel yourself again...and develop a strategy to save the world ... or kill the bastards.

Released between 2006 and 2007, the 24 discs were gathered together in late 2007 with a bonus disc...tune in...turn off...think on!

Hour 01
Hour 02
Hour 03
Hour 04
Hour 05
Hour 06
Hour 07
Hour 08
Hour 09
Hour 10
Hour 11
Hour 12
Hour 13
Hour 14
Hour 15
Hour 16
Hour 17
Hour 18
Hour 19
Hour 20
Hour 21
Hour 22
Hour 23
Hour 24
Hour 25


  1. Thank you!!! I was looking for this for a long ass time. I used to have a rip but the files got erased and I never found them again. You rock!!

  2. Ditto the above. Been searching for these for quite some time. Nice cache. Thank you.
