Heavy Focus

This is a really great compilation from two really great DIY labels. Small Doses and Phage Tapes combined to release this as a fundraiser for the Minneapolis Noise Fest last April. Apparently this came in only 135 copies but you can still find it if you look hard enough. Both label owners sell direct from Discogs here and here. Go support!


1-01 Squid Fist - Hall Mall
1-02 Climax Denial - Push My Buttons (Libido Mix)
1-03 Being - Take Off
1-04 Regosphere - Pitbull Holocaust
1-05 Seth Ryan - 01CNN_FRK
1-06 Wilt - Bodies Fall Away
1-07 xALLxFORxTHISx - Throat
1-08 Grain Belt - Devil's Whip
1-09 Werewolf Jerusalem - Left With Nightmares
1-10 Koufar - The Difference
1-11 Custodian - Untitled No. 37

Heavy Focus (disc 1)


2-01 Teeth Collection - Untitled
2-02 Juhyo - The Buried Session
2-03 Disthroned Agony - Eternal Blackout Inebriation
2-04 BLOODYMINDED - Ten Suicides (Live)
2-05 Cock E.S.P. - Sliced Cuntz
2-06 Paranoid Time - No Entertainment IV, VIII & IX
2-07 Infirmary - Close The Gates
2-08 Plasmic Formations - Untitled
2-09 Gnawed - Ostrich
2-10 Locrian - Inverted Ruins
2-11 Envenomist - Angelic

Heavy Focus (disc 2)


  1. NICE comp! Thanks for sharing ;)

  2. Caligari:
    Let's noise, plug in your red korg
    and noise
    Let's moise, to the song they're playin' on the blogspot

    (om the notes of d.b. let's dance)
