Wolf Eyes - Asylum Style

I have heard that there is a theory doing the rounds that there is such a thing as too much Wolf Eyes. Then again, some people believe in god and fairies at the bottom of the garden. Bah! Lunatics all!

Asylum Style is a series of 10 seperate releases on American Tapes dropped between 2003 and 2005.

Wolf Eyes - Asylum Style Part 01 [American Tapes, AM 287]
Wolf Eyes - Asylum Style Part 02 [American Tapes, AM 297]
Wolf Eyes - Asylum Style Part 03 [American Tapes, AM 341]
Wolf Eyes - Asylum Style Part 04 [American Tapes, AM 342]
Wolf Eyes - Asylum Style Part 05 [American Tapes, AM 351]
Wolf Eyes - Asylum Style Part 06 [American Tapes, AM 359]
Wolf Eyes - Asylum Style Part 07 [American Tapes, AM 374]
Wolf Eyes - Asylum Style Part 08 [American Tapes, AM 404]
Wolf Eyes - Asylum Style Part 09 [American Tapes, AM 427]
Wolf Eyes - Asylum Style Part 10 (6xCDR) [American Tapes, AM 456]
Part 1 Part 2


  1. More Wolf Eyes, nice!

  2. never enough from the wolf eyes guys

  3. Facilitator of Bleak Bliss,

    I tried searching for an email with no luck. We would like to submit Divorce Party for consideration on Bleak Bliss. I think we would fit well and stand out amongst other great things you have posted.

    Music can be heard here:

    We also have a couple good live videos if you'd be interested in those. If you'd like any more information, please feel free to ask.

    I posted this on Wolf Eyes 'cuz we're from the same town.

    Dave (divorcepartyy@gmail.com)
