Various - Brains On Backwash

I'm in the middle of ripping a big tape set that I have so I can post it here. It's taking a long time. Then I'll post it here on the filehost that I have paid for. I'm fucking broke and would rather be spending my time watching the "new" cats plan their attacks on each other in the back garden. I took in a pregnant stray ... Ruby, thanks for asking ... she gave birth to to five kittens. Sherman only got to 9 months old before some twat in a car killed her. The other four are approaching their first birthday in a couple of weeks. So far, it's a household of 8 (oh, and me). And, I sit here posting a shitload of my time into this void. When you think about it, why the fuck am I doing this shit? I'm actually a big boy and don't need vicarious validation.

I prefer Spike Milligan's eipthath of "I told you that I was ill". My demise will certainly be an 11 month old cat doing love rolls in front of me when I'm trying to safely navigate any environment? Harley btw, thanks for asking. Yeah, Inspector Harley on the staircase with the adorable head ... write that on my tombstone!

Has this really been thirteen and a half years (for me anyway). Most of me is ossifying so I can't blame my mojo for following suit. Don't actually know why I'm saying any of this ... a series of whoop whoop comments won't make any difference just like no comments would make me give anymore of a shit.

In silver cloud news, I'm off to see Swans tomorrow night ... the venue has the support listed as Norman Westbury (dickheads) ... obviously it's Norman Westberg doing his drone guitar thang. A pleasing circle for me as the first time I saw him play was about 35 years ago as a core member of Swans on their Children Of God tour (at the International at the top of Anson Road, still have the ticket somewhere). Blah fucking blah and suchforth

Anyway, this is another quality selection but I would suggest you just crack on.

C90 on 905 Tapes from 2008.

paint it backwash

Various - Brains On Backwash II: Exile On Brain Street

If you listened to the previous 905 post then this will be static because you will have gone straight to the download link.

Otherwise: Blue Sabbath Black Cheer, Mutant Ape, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Ajilvsga, Andreas Brandal, Century Plants, Expo 70, Being, Teeth Collection & Concrete Arteries and ... c'mon get with the programme.

There's a link right under your nose ... go there. Now.

... before you do ... C90 released on 905 Tapes in 2010.

light in your head and dead on your feet

The Slathered - Roaming Black Bones

This is one of John Olson's singular projects and it's a cracker! Lovely harmonious electro-static scrapings with a core This Island Earth resonance ... this is not one you want to pass up on.

A CDr released on American Tapes in an edition of twelve in 2001.

It's AM220 btw ...

i'm a doctor, not an engineer!

Various - Brains On Backwash III: Backwash To The Future!

This is the third in a series of brilliant tapes that effectively operate as mixtapes. 27 artists / outfits with one work blending into the next to very great effect featuring the likes of Circuit Wound, GX Jupitter-Larsen, Quicksails, Vestigial Limb, Plasmic Formations, M. Geddes Gengras, Jon Lorenz, Ophibre, Red Electric Rainbow and a load more.

C98 released on the great 905 Tapes in 2011.

forward the revolution